My TaRgEt

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

~FiRsT TiMe MakinG My BloG~

Assalamualaikum and very good afternoon to everyone. Just call me Farah =). this is my first time making my own blog. Before this, i do not know how to make a blog. i have thought about making blog for a long time ago.. in my mind said, why do i need a blog? why should i? what make i must have a blog?.
meanwhile, half of my friends have their own blog.. so, i think, and think again... until something coming up from my mind... my cats~ =)...owh yea~.... =)
it is all about my cat. i make this blog because i want to talk about my cats =)...and maybe about something else if i have it..=).. i want to share with everyone who i know, or that i did't know. i want to make more friends =)
so, please enjoy be friend with me k! =) owh! there is one thing i forgot to tell.. my second reason i want to make my own blog is to improve my english =)...everybody please help me k =)  i am very appreciate for all of your efforts.=)
p/s: i post this using farashi's netbook... thanks farashi! =)


  1. i feel very honoured to be the 1st one to comment,,,hahaha

    lolaaaaaaa.....cpt bnje eskemmmmmmmm

  2. finally you have your own blog, hi!! lets we share our stories

  3. tq senah xD..... have followed me x)
    hehehehe....i will make my blog look interesting k x) just stay with me yea x)

  4. ehehe, jangan bocorkan nama sebenar aku, just called me senah je tau kt blog ni. secret is secret recipe. waka waka
